by Rav | Mar 31, 2019 | News
Gamer.LK’s R&D arm is proud to announce a brand new set of games technologies and accompanying leagues that Sri Lankan gamers islandwide will be able to take part in while the power is out. With new investment and industry leadership, Gamer.LK has been able to fund research into these new products and plan to build communities and tournaments around them.
The new games feature Artificial Intelligence powered by human thought, combined with potential and kinetic energy conversion in order to generate movement in objects in a state of play. Similar to Esports that Gamer.LK has worked with in the past, these new games also cater to 1v1 as well as team-based engagements. With Esports being a test of mental prowess and strategic thinking, the new games are also deeply set in the players mind and shies away from physical ability. In order to maintain familiar themes, the new games follow narratives similar to that of current Esports – violence, destruction and simulated physical engagement.
Today, Gamer.LK is proud to announce the competitive leagues being organised for these games:
The Tak Tik Tuk International
This game involves a complex matrix of spaces and possibilities and is Gamer.LK’s first foray into stateless design architecture. The tournament will feature 1v1 battles where a winner is chosen by the most number of geometric shapes matched in a row. The tournament winners walk away with over USD 25,000,000 worth of pride and self satisfaction.
Gamer.LK Clans Buruwa Challenge
The Buruwa game is based on hard-paper™ technology out of which hundreds of game-items are manufactured and distributed to players. Each item contains a pattern which will be scanned by the player by looking at it and understanding what it is. This league is open to all Sri Lankan clans and is expected to get over 9000 registrations. Sri Lanka’s 9 official clans are expected to take part, with members of Phoenix Gaming and Maximum Esports currently being favorites to being the Champion Buruwa.
Battle of the Batta Paneema
Held online, the Battle of the Batta Paneema involves athletes creating a Batta arena where they will position themselves in the desired area by pressing jump and forward IRL at the same time. Once positioning is locked in, athletes will report their position to the Batta master who will then hand over the turn to the next athlete. The Battle of the Batta Paneema will be played in a double elimination knockout format, and a national Batta ranking will be released after the tournament to crown the biggest Batta.
Gamer.LK is currently in talks with the Sri Lanka Esports Association to have these tournaments recognised as ranked events, and will soon commence discussion with the National Olympic Committee to lobby for their support. Gamer.LK is currently working with their team of lawyers to protect the trademark and copyrights of these events.
Stay tuned to Gamer.LK as we bring you the intense, nail biting, square jumping action with daily streams casted by the best of Sri Lanka’s shoutcasting talent!
by Rav | Mar 27, 2019 | News
Gamer.LK is happy to announce that Team Xiphos, Sri Lanka’s #1 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive team has been signed on by German Esports organisation myRevenge. The 5-man team will receive a starting salary to play under the myRevenge banner – a first for a Sri Lankan team and a testament to the skill level available in the country. roster:
Geeshan ‘Defiance /A/’ Jayaraj
Omal ‘ROACH’ Prabuddha (Captain)
Shakir ‘hikkA/MSR/’ Razak
Zayyaan ‘HeLLScreaM^’ Ali
Sanjeevan ‘BenJ’ Kalaieesan
Vivek ‘mto’ Gopalakrishnan (Manager)
The team attended the IESF Esports World Championship in November last year and had a stellar performance, beating Vietnam veterans Revolution 16-10. This got the team global attention and was a first step in their journey. Thereafter they beat India’s Entity Gaming at the WESG regional qualifiers.
Team captain Omal ‘ROACH’ Prabudhdha had the following to say about their recruitment –
We are really happy to represent myRevenge moving forward. I am very happy that our talent got the recognition it deserved and we got signed by this organisation. I will make sure that the team and I will take full advantage of this opportunity and showcase our talent and make ourselves and the country proud. We are very excited about being the first Sri Lankan team to be representing a foreign entity.
We wish our boys the best of luck, with the entire Sri Lankan Esports community’s support behind you.
Stay tuned to Gamer.LK for coverage of their journey.
by Rav | Mar 19, 2019 | News
Gamer.LK, Sri Lanka’s Esports and Competitive Video Game organisation launched the first dedicated Esports Studio in the country. Gamer.LK has been promoting Esports since 2007, which is now considered the fastest growing sport in Sri Lanka. Gamer.LK organises the largest Esports, PC and Mobile Gaming events in the country, and the launch of the Esports Studio marks Gamer.LK’s expansion into video content creation catering to an estimated 3,000,000 video game enthusiasts in Sri Lanka.
With the new Studio, Gamer.LK will be conducting daily live streams featuring Sri Lanka’s top Esports athletes as well as original video programming. This content will be watchable online on facebook, Youtube, and Mixer to a 18-35 millennial age demographic that is increasingly shifting their video consumption to online platforms and away from television.
“Sri Lanka has a large population of video game enthusiasts and we will be filling a void in dedicated video gaming and Esports video content targeted to the local market with our Esports Studio. Sri Lankan millennials are no longer watching television, and we expect our online channels to be their go-to source for content that they’re passionate about.” said Raveen Wijayatilake, CEO of Gamer.LK.
In the coming months, Gamer.LK plans to ramp up their video content efforts to run 24/7 video programming for this audience, and has built a passionate Esports content team in order to reach this goal.
Gamer.LK recently completed their first round of funding with Bluestone Capital, a venture capital firm lead by Ajit Gunewardene, former deputy-chairman of John Keells Holdings.
by Rav | Mar 11, 2019 | News
Gamer.LK has been promoting Esports in Sri Lanka since 2007, and a consistent fact has been that tournaments are dominated by male participants – both in numbers and performance. Over the years, Gamer.LK has established that this is purely due to a cultural perception of Video Games and Esports and not a physical or mental constraint on the part of the different genders. 2015 marked the year that Gamer.LK started women’s brackets at Sri Lanka’s largest Esports event – the Sri Lanka Cyber Games. Since then, female participation has grown to over 160 athletes in 2018.
This year Gamer.LK takes the next step in female Esports athlete empowerment with a dedicated Women’s championship – the SLT eSports Women’s Cyber Games to be held on the 20th and 21st April at the Colombo City Center.
Women’s Esports Ambassador
This year Ornella Gunesekera joins us as the Women’s Esports Ambassador. As ambassador, she will be promoting Esports as a sport for women and helping Gamer.LK shape perceptions about Esports. Ornella Gunesekera is Miss Universe Sri Lanka 2018 winner, and is a gamer herself.

Tournament format
The tournament includes 5 game titles that every participant will take part in. The performance at each game title will award a number of points towards the player, and the top 8 players will qualify for the Grand Finals held the following day. The top 8 players will then battle it out for a ranking where the Rs. 100,000 prize pool will be distributed according to rank.
- eRacer
- Mortal Kombat XL
- Call of Duty 4
- Subway Surfers
- Mario Kart

by Azman Khan | Feb 25, 2019 | News
Acer Predator League Thailand welcomed Esports players from all over the Asia Pacific region in anticipation of the Asia Pacific Predator League 2019 which concluded in stunning fashion recently. The dual games PUBG and DOTA 2 competition titles were held during the 15th February 2019 to the 17th February 2019 at the Nimibutr Stadium Bangkok ,Thailand
Phoenix Gaming team Indomitus who were the Sri Lankan representatives that qualified during the leg of qualification held on the 13th of January. The team made their journey across to Thailand where they would meet even tougher opponents awaiting them in the arena. With a combination of senior players from Sri Lanka’s Dota 2 scene in the full roster and a lot of experience under their belt. The team roster was as follows:
PnX | indomitus
Viren Dias (c)
Munthasir Shiraz
Mohamed Shafras
Mirsab Hassan
Dinuka Perera
Mohammed Walid
The team was taking on a tall task having to take on teams such as TNC.Predator,BOOM ID,Signify,LOTAC etc. The first team our hometown heroes had to go up against was team yG who beat flash gaming in round 1.
Game 1 saw Indomitus pick up some of their signature heroes in terms of Winter Wyvern,one of Hawkie’s best heroes as an opener along with heroes like Troll Warlord,Axe,Outworld Devourer and their last pick,a position 4 Batrider.Team yG went with Grimstroke a hero that has been extremely annoying to deal with on top of being a strong early game lane dominating hero,followed by Chaos Knight who has risen to become one of the most annoying offlaners in the patch with the insane amount of sustainability that he has with his passive third skill. Up next team yG picked up Razor to counter the Troll Warlord as well as lane against the OD which basically kills 2 birds with 1 stone,rounding up things by picking up a position 5 Sven to provide some damage mitigation and finishing up with a last pick Beast Master.
The early game did not fare too well for our home heroes as the safe lane was pressured immensely by an aggro tri lane with Grimstroke,Sven and Chaos Knight who went up against Indomitus composition of Winter Wyvern,Troll and Batrider who joined the lane later. With a lack of disables Indomitus found themselves in deep waters as the mid lane was hard picking as Razor was doing a good job of dominating the lane by draining most of OD’s damage.Things fell apart from there as yG did an amazing job of keeping up their aggressive pace while maintaining farm speed not allowing Indomitus to get back into the game. Ending the first game in 25 mins with some synergized plays coming out from the Grimstroke,Sven and Beastmaster which never really allowed Indomitus to get the footing they needed to make a comeback.
Game 2 saw a very different type of draft in terms of the last game,the only common picks being the Grimstroke while all the other heroes were completely different in terms of synergy.Indomitus went with a composition of Disruptor,Lifestealer,Sven,Clockwork and to round things off was a last pick Shadow Fiend.yG took a much more aggressive positioning as they picked up Tiny alongside Grimstroke,Nature’s Prophet,Slark and Spirit Breaker.
Once again having a bad start on the lanes Indomitus found themselves in a tough spot early on in the game as the top lane was being pressure by the high base damage of Natures Prophet as well as diving potential that came out of spirit Breaker which allowed them to get ample amount of kills in the game.With Sven and Clockwerk not being able to apply the same amount of pressure on the Slark as it was difficult to man fight him with the essence shift stacks.The tiny took off going on a killing spree as soon as he picked up one of his core items using it to time and combine his spells well to keep the favor on yG’s side.Even with some resistance coming out of the side of Indomitus who showed some glimmer of hope towards the 18-20 min mark but fell short as they got caught out after a successful Roshan attempt made by yG which gave them the opportunity to finish up the game sending our home heroes to the lower bracket to face up against either Signify or LOTAC two top tier teams who have showcased some real talent and promise in the recent past.
The lower bracket game saw Indomitus take on LOTAC in a Bo3 series.Kicking things off we had Indomitus with a very laning stage dominant picks in heroes like Slardar,Tusk,Viper all who individually and together dominate their lanes.Having a tool kit that allows them to be aggressive and move around the map.Rounding things off with Hawkies Wyvern as well as an Ursa for more early game aggression if they get out of the laning stage well.
In response we saw LOTAC pick up Tiny and Undying during the first phase which spelt a lot of trouble for the safelane as Undying is usually a very strong laner specially with a hero like Tiny who has some decent burst damage.To finish up their draft LOTAC decided to go with Lion for lockdown Batrider as an Initiator and Phantom Assassin to bring that physical damage to the table.
The game started off pretty slow the only early game kills being the 2 on the top lane and it seemed like the game would be a long one.That is until the Tiny managed to pick up one core item and with the rest of his team LOTAC started dominating the map pushing their advantage and slowly crippling Indomitus who fought as hard as they could but with the tombstone and a lot of damage and control coming out from the Lion and Batrider put LOTAC in a dominating position to end the game at the 19 min mark.
Going into game 2 things seemed to not work out too well for our representatives from Sri Lanka so they brought out a new strategy drafting a combination of heroes like Skywrath Mage,Sven,Undying,Lich and Juggernaut a mix of synergies.Where as we saw much of the same from LOTAC picking up Elder Titan and Phantom Assassin along with Nature’s Prophet,Puck and Centaur Warrunner.
This game took a different turn as the top lane seemed to be more aggressive than it should have.Having a tri lane take on an aggro tri lane the spectators were in for a lot of blood in the lane but LOTAC danced around most of the movements made by Indomitus giving them the opportunity to turn and get return kills on Indomitus.When LOTAC hit their timing THEY HIT THEIR TIMING HARD!.Applying so much pressure that it was overwhelming and Indomitus could not find the space they needed to turn the game around and LOTAC coming out on top eliminating Indomitus from the tournament.
The team put in a lot of effort into the tournament and we managed to get a comment from the captain Viren Hawkie Dias who had a lot to say but could not sum up all of his experiences in a short sentence.This is what he had to say.
“We were definitely outmatched by our opponents, but we felt they were beatable if we had Mirsab. We spent the last 4 months practicing with him and having to swap him out for Walid just 2 days before leaving was tough. Even more so because it involved a role switch for Muntha, who had been practicing offlane, to mid.
We had put in a lot of effort into our practice sessions – over a 100 scrims and countless pubs, but our result wasn’t unexpected. After all, we are essentially part time Dota players playing against full time Dota players. We tried our best given our circumstances, and that’s what makes me feel fulfilled. But of course we would like to improve a lot more!
Aside from the games themselves, the experience was amazing! The tournament was brilliantly organised – we were all given local SIMs upon arrival, the hotels and the stadium were literally across the road, we had booths for each team with amazing PCs and a staff member on standby to attend to our needs, all matches were BO3 and there were minimal delays.
We met a lot of famous players – the legendary YamateH, the towering yet polite Ohaiyo, the fun-loving Xyclopz (if you thought his casting was funny, wait till you meet him) and of course, the entire TNC team!
Last but not least, I’d like to make a shoutout to our team buddy EM who was incredibly helpful and really good company!”
We congratulate PnX.Indomitus on their efforts as they have set the bar high and done our country proud but mostly proving that putting in effort and time to the things you love will always get you where you need to be.It may look like a small step but it is indeed a huge leap for Esports in general for Sri Lanka having an opportunity to represent the country in a tournament of this scale and someday soon we may even see ourselves as the champions in upcoming major International tournaments.
by Azman Khan | Feb 11, 2019 | News
Sri Lanka Telecom organised the SLT ZeroOne Awards for the year 2017/18 on the 11th of December. It is a unique ceremony dedicated to recognising digital excellence in brands, individuals as well as institutions who have made large strides and advancements with the assistance of digital technology. This awards program is a brainchild of Sri Lanka Telecom PLC.
The SLT Zero One Awards was first held in 2016 where it became a huge success as a centre of attraction in the business world. The 2017/2018 edition awarded businesses and/or individuals for the work undertaken during the period of 2017/2018 in the areas of Best Digital-enabled Product/Service, Best Digital-Integrated Campaign, Best Community Empowerment Programme, Best Digital Media Agency, Best Website or Microsite, Best Use of Mobile.
The award was won for the wide reaching digital campaign for Play Expo 2017 – Sri Lanka’s largest digital entertainment and technology expo
With roots in Esports and organising the largest video gaming championships in Sri Lanka, Gamer.LK consists of technology enthusiasts who are keen to see digital entertainment in Sri Lanka grow. Gamer.LK has become the flagship organisation for Esports in the country and boasts of a community of over 50,000 that follow and take part in our events and initiatives. With over 11 years of experience in the Esports and digital entertainment industry in Sri Lanka, Gamer.LK takes pride in leading the revolution to bring digital entertainment to the masses. Utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook,Youtube as well as Twitch, Gamer.LK continues to focus on digitally driven campaigns and promotions aimed at maximising user engagement and reach, thereby enabling the growth in the Esports community which resulted in Gamer.LK being awarded the Best Digital-Integrated Campaign in the Category for Media and Publishing.
Below is a short clip of Vikum Jayasekara, Director of InGame Entertainment receiving the award at the ceremony taken from their livestream.
Having well-coordinated activities are critical to the success of any marketing campaign. Demonstrating how different mediums have come into play while simultaneously making sure that the marketing message is received by the greatest number of people within the target market. Highlighting how digital marketing campaigns have played a pivotal role in the execution of any event or marketing plan. Gamer.LK will keep taking strides to grow Esports in the Nation and take it to newer heights. If you want to be apart of this award winning team check out one of our available vacancies
For further details contact us on – [email protected]