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TM, PnX & nA clan admins approved & gave full support for international investigation of nA.Vendetta

TM, PnX & nA clan admins approved & gave full support for international investigation of nA.Vendetta

A number of requests for clarification have come to GLK through staff and senior members of the community about the investigation conducted into nA.Vendetta. Here are the facts:

Demos shared with TM, PnX & nA

Demos of the 3 matches related to nA.Vendetta were shared with the clan admins involved. It is these demos that were used to formulate notes by each involved party (TM, PnX, nA).

International panel idea agreed on by TM, PnX & nA

The idea of an international panel was presented to all parties and TM, PnX & nA admins agreed to the idea.

International panel member designations shared & approved by TM, PnX & nA

The designations and nationalities of the independent panel were shared with TM, PnX & nA admins and all agreed to the idea

Sharing of notes from TM, PnX & nA approved by TM, PnX & nA clan admins

When all 3 clan admin notes were received, TM, PnX & nA clan admins agreed to allow it being shared with each other and the panel

TM, PnX & nA were kept informed of updates while investigation was going on

During the 5 days of the investigation, clan admins requested updates several times and information was provided as required.

List of names and their full statements submitted to TM, PnX & nA

After the 5 days of investigation, the full names and their final statements were released to TM, PnX & nA clan admins. Clan admins were asked to keep the names confidential as to avoid harassment of these individuals, which would ruin the image of Sri Lankan Esports.

All of the above has been documented.

Women’s Cyber Games ‘20 investigations

Women’s Cyber Games ‘20 investigations

Update: Added clarification on PnX.Shayzi’s reason for not being able to provide video call during the game.

10 complaints have come to Gamer.LK regarding the Women’s Cyber Games participants sharing accounts. Out of this, Gamer.LK has completed investigations on 3 and taken necessary action outlined below. 6 have been closed as there was not enough evidence to pursue them further. 1 is ongoing. The complaints have been made against 3 different clans in Sri Lanka.

Women’s teams CS:GO

Tournament participant clans Tech Morph and Phoenix GaminG requested further inquiry into nA.Vendetta as they felt there was strong evidence to show that players changed between matches. This was largely due to nA.Vendetta’s poor performance in the first match played on map “Nuke” which they lost 16-0, and their stronger performances on maps “Mirage” and “Inferno” in the lower bracket and final respectively. Steps were taken to verify players at the start of the match using TeamSpeak, IP matching and video verification for one of the players. Demos were also reviewed and Gamer.LK found no major evidence to suggest foul play.

Based on the escalation, an investigation was commenced on the 5 women-players of nA.Vendetta. An international panel of 3 Esports personalities were put together to provide an independent opinion on the claims by the accusers. The panel consisted of a professional CS:GO referee with experience in Esports World Championships, a CS:GO caster/analyst and a professional CS:GO player currently playing in the pro circuit. 

Detailed notes were presented by the 2 accusing clans, and defending notes were provided by Noob Alliance. This, along with the demos were submitted to the international panel. 

The panel took 5 days to review the documentation and demos provided. After review, the 3 panelists submitted findings on the investigation and concluded independently that nA.Vendetta is cleared of any wrong-doing. They noted while there was a definite improvement in performance after Nuke, it was within acceptable margins of difference between maps. Especially considering performances on practiced maps and maps unknown to players. The panel’s decision was also based on monitoring the players general playstyle such as crosshair placement and movement, which they confirmed was similar throughout all maps.

No further action will be pursued on this matter.

Women’s Clash Royale 

PnX – Shayzi played one match, but politely denied a request for cam verification during the match due to not having an additional phone. Players have the right to refuse due to legitimate reasons, but will not be allowed to continue playing if tournament verification guidelines are not adhered to. 

Women’s DOTA 1v1

The recently concluded 1st round of Women’s DOTA 1v1 title had its own moments. nA.Cherry failed to provide additional verification requested by Gamer.LK and has been removed from the tournament. nA.Cherry will not be allowed to play any further Gamer.LK tournaments until she is able to follow verification instructions provided by Gamer.LK, which she has agreed to do in the future.

The Women’s Cyber Games event is only half way done and has been the talk of the town for the past week. Stay tuned to Gamer.LK for more information from the tournament as it happens.

The Women’s Cyber Games ‘20 Online is sponsored by Red Bull & Perera & Sons. 

The Asia Pacific Predator League 2020 is Postponed to Spring 2021

The Asia Pacific Predator League 2020 is Postponed to Spring 2021

The Predator League organising committee put out a statement about the postponement of the Asia Pacific Predator League 2020 to Spring 2021. Team ‘Sara Kollo’ were scheduled to attend the LAN event in Manila, Philippines after a qualifying event held by Acer and Gamer.LK.

Manila, Philippines (June 9, 2020) – Acer announced that the Asia Pacific Predator League 2020 will be postponed to Spring 2021 in the Philippines due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The health and safety of the gaming community remains Acer’s primary concerns, and the company has been working closely with public health authorities and their advisories.

The same qualifying teams from the local preliminary competitions will attend the finale in Spring 2021, and the event has been renamed as Predator League 2020/2021 with a prize pool of US$400,000.

“The postponement of the Asia Pacific Predator League, instead of a cancellation, demonstrates Acer’s commitment to the gaming community,” said Andrew Hou, President of Acer Pan Asia Pacific Regional Operations. “With the ongoing Covid-19 situation, we made the decision to move the competition to Spring 2021 for the safety and best interests of the tournament’s competitors, fans, spectators, and staff.”

Almost 20,000 tickets have already been sold for the tournament, which was originally scheduled to take place in Manila, Philippines in February 2020 at the SM Mall of Asia Arena, Pasay City in Manila. A total of 17 regions entered the local qualifier competitions held from October 2019.

As a token of appreciation for the patience of the whole Predator community, a complimentary drawstring bag with limited edition Predator League 2020 shirt and face mask will be given away for those who purchased VIP tickets, and a Predator shirt for regular ticket buyers. Further instructions on claiming will be posted on Predator’s social media pages.

The inaugural Asia Pacific Predator League was held in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2018 to reinforce the Predator brand’s commitment to supporting the gaming industry in the region. The second edition in 2019 was held at Nimibutr Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand, watched by over 10,000 fans in real-time. It garnered 4.3 million views online and the peak concurrent viewership reached 123,000

All contestants will be directly contacted with notices of important updates and when a new date has been established. Follow Acer’s social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to keep updated on the latest developments Asia Pacific Predator League 20/21.

Revealed: Who’s behind the Sri Lanka Esports Association and what does it do?

Revealed: Who’s behind the Sri Lanka Esports Association and what does it do?

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There has been some rumor and misinformation about who controls the Sri Lanka Esports Association (SLESA) spread by small groups of people new to the Esports scene in Sri Lanka. Here are the facts! 


  • SLESA is the governing body of Esports in Sri Lanka
  • SLESA is run based on a constitution accepted by all members and the Sports Ministry
  • There are founding members, and a process to accept new members
  • Office bearers are voted in every 2 years by members
  • SLESA is not owned by Gamer.LK. Gamer.LK is only one member. SLESA is a sports association. Gamer.LK is a private company
  • Office-bearers are there to do work, and don’t have more power than members. They are unpaid volunteers working for the benefit of Esports
  • Finances of SLESA are visible to all members, and audited
  • All members have appointed Gamer.LK as the enforcer of disciplinary action. If an athlete wants to appeal an action, the members will discuss it and vote on it
  • An investigation is conducted before disciplinary action is taken against an athlete. This is why action timing varies from same-day bans, to months of investigation depending on the situation
  • SLESA members have had access to this information from the start. SLESA will take steps to provide the same transparency with the community directly

SLESA voting members

Here’s a list of voting members of SLESA and their representatives. These are the members who have access to SLESA discussions, attend SLESA meetings, contribute to policy changes and vote on disciplinary appeals. Clans are listed in alphabetical order.

  • Maximum Esports (Alpha Esports) (1 vote)
    • Shihan ‘Davy’ Morais
    • Vihanga ‘Yama’ Yuwanthaka
    • Akila ‘Gadget Malli’ Fonseka
  • Noob Alliance (1 vote)
    • Navod ‘Cyanide’ Bopitiya
    • Janith ‘Spartacus’ Rajapakse
    • Indunil ‘Warlord’ Withana
    • Prageeth ‘Gerald’ Savinda
  • Phoenix GaminG (1 vote)
    • Abith ‘Leon’ Latiff
    • Safwan ‘CB’ Mansoor
    • Kasun ‘Kassa’ Withanage
    • Javeen ‘Javeen’ Tharka
  • Tech Morph (1 vote)
    • Isuru ‘Viper’ Herath
    • Fauzan Cassim
    • Dinuwan ‘Dizzy’ Fernando
    • Minuka ‘Hard Buster’ Ranaweera
  • Wolfgang Esports (1 vote)
    • Kasun ‘Athena’ Wijesekera
    • Mewan ‘Alex’ Kaushika
    • Lahiru ‘xxx’ Herath
  • Xiphos Esports (1 vote)
    • Nisal ‘Arch’ Weerakoon
    • Dulaj ‘Stronghold’ Gunawardena
    • Gayan ‘Madness’ de Silva
  • Gamer.LK (1 vote)
    • Raveen ‘Rav’ Wijayatilake
    • Vikum ‘Scooby’ Jayasekera
    • Ramesh ‘R_L’ Liyanage
    • Malinda ‘Warrior’ Jayasekera

SLESA office bearers

The office bearers for 2020-2022 were elected as follows

Office bearers Name Voted in by the following clans
President Raveen Wijayatilake Maximum Esports
Noob Alliance
Phoenix GaminG
Tech Morph
Wolfgang Esports
Xiphos Esports
Secretary Malinda Jayasekera Maximum Esports
Noob Alliance
Phoenix GaminG
Tech Morph
Wolfgang Esports
Xiphos Esports
Treasurer Vikum Jayasekera Maximum Esports
Noob Alliance
Phoenix GaminG
Tech Morph
Wolfgang Esports
Xiphos Esports
Media Secretary Safwan Mansoor Maximum Esports
Noob Alliance
Phoenix GaminG
Tech Morph
Wolfgang Esports
Xiphos Esports
Assistant Media Secretary Prageeth Savinda Maximum Esports
Noob Alliance
Phoenix GaminG
Tech Morph
Wolfgang Esports
Xiphos Esports

Frequently Asked Questions


What does SLESA really do?

The Sri Lanka Esports Association (SLESA) is the governing body for Esports in Sri Lanka. It is responsible for setting out rules, regulations, upholding competition integrity, disciplinary action and promoting Esports within Sri Lanka and taking Sri Lankan Esports talent to official international tournaments. SLESA represents clans and individual Esports athletes in Sri Lanka. It also acts as the independent body for dispute resolution when clans have issues with other clans.


The Sri Lanka Esports Association are members of the International Esports Federation (governing body for Esports globally), The Asian Esports Federation (the Esports association governing Esports in Asia) and the Global Esports Federation (a collective of global Esports entities). 


SLESA has been able to:

  • Get Esports recognised as an official sport in Sri Lanka
  • Send Sri Lankan representatives to international events like the IESF Esports World Championship, Asian Games and other events by other National Esports Federations.


SLESA has also been recognised as a benchmark for Esports governance in South Asia, and SLESA president Raveen Wijayatilake has been invited to speak at international conferences on the success of Sri Lanka’s Esports governance system.

See the announcement here: https://www.facebook.com/gamerlk/posts/10157522428465540

What rules does SLESA follow?

SLESA has a constitution adopted when forming the association. The constitution defines how members are elected, for what period, and what members roles are and what office bearers are responsible for. This constitution has also been submitted to the Sports Ministry of Sri Lanka in our application to get Esports recognised as an official sport.

How are these people members in SLESA?

The founding members of the Sri Lanka Esports Association consist of some of the oldest clans in the country. New members have an application process to join the association, where voting members review the applicants history in Esports in Sri Lanka and then will vote to accept or reject it. Clans generally are easily accepted into the association as associate members.

Who appoints the office bearers?

According to the constitution, office-bearers are voted upon every 2 years. The last vote was conducted on 11th January 2020. They are appointed by the SLESA members outlined above. To-date, all appointments have been unanimous by all clan leaders based on each individual’s contribution to Sri Lankan Esports.

Is SLESA run by Gamer.LK?

No. Gamer.LK spearheaded and founded the association, and worked to bring all clans in Sri Lanka under one governing body. Gamer.LK then distributed voting power to all clans, and worked with them to create a transparent governing, ranking and disciplinary structure. These structures have been approved by all members and all members are actively taking part in it with full visibility of each and every decision taken.


Gamer.LK, with the support of clan members, provides free services to SLESA in conducting national selections for international events. These selections are also completely transparent and accessible by all clan members.

What’s the difference between SLESA and Gamer.LK?

SLESA is an independent body and is run by its members. Gamer.LK has no ownership of SLESA, just like no single clan has ownership of SLESA. The decisions, finances and regulation of SLESA is transparent and available to all clan members.


Gamer.LK is a private company involved in promoting and growing Esports in Sri Lanka and South Asia. Gamer.LK organises events for both Sri Lankan athletes and international athletes.

Do office-bearers like the President & Secretary have more power than members?

No. Every voting member in SLESA has the same power within SLESA (1 vote per member). Office-bearers are appointed purely to get the work of the association done. Examples of work: association documentation, coordinating with international bodies, coordinating with the Sports Ministry, financial audits etc.

Are office-bearers paid?

No. The people appointed as office-bearers are purely doing it to take Sri Lankan Esports forward. There’s no compensation, and more often than not, the office-bearers spend their own money to make things happen without burdening SLESA finances.

Who handles the finances of SLESA?

The finances are handled by the office-bearers with full transparency to the members. Every financial transaction is informed to members, and the association has currently just completed a financial audit required by the Sports Ministry.

How does SLESA take disciplinary action?

All SLESA members agreed to appoint Gamer.LK as the independent enforcer of Esports disciplinary action in Sri Lanka. This was due to Gamer.LK’s 13 years of Esports experience, independent stance with no bias, and strict policies that adhere to international standards. Further, an appeals process was introduced for any Esports athletes wanting to appeal their disciplinary action, which would come to the SLESA members.

What process does SLESA follow when taking action against offenders?

SLESA, as the governing body, receives multiple complaints during most Esports tournaments in Sri Lanka against various clans. Every single voting clan has had an individual or a team accused of cheating – whether it’s hacking, manipulating draws, account sharing etc. SLESA’s job is to protect athletes and clans against accusations UNLESS there’s solid proof of cheating. Gamer.LK at this point will conduct an investigation if sufficient evidence is provided to start one. This may take days, weeks or even months based on the amount of evidence present. This way, all Esports athletes and clans are protected against false accusations. These methods are on par with international standards adopted by Esports bodies globally and other country-federations. 

Does that mean Gamer.LK has final say on disciplinary action?

No. There is a very clear appeals process that will be decided by the voting members of all Sri Lankan clans within SLESA. This guarantees fair and unbiased disciplinary procedures.

How does the ranking system work?

The National Esports Ranking system was one that was proposed by Gamer.LK and adopted by all clans in the country. It is run by all the members, according to a points system discussed and formulated by all members. Each clan provides their point of view of how it should work and each piece of feedback is incorporated into the system. The end result of the ranking system is a combination of hours of discussion by all clan representatives in the country. All clans in Sri Lanka have invested many hours to make this happen in a fair way to all Esports athletes in Sri Lanka.

Who can organise nationally ranked events?

Anyone is able to organise events for the ranking system. In order to be recognised as a ranked event, there are a list of criteria set out by SLESA that need to be followed that sets out minimum standards for a tournament. SLESA members will then vote on whether to accept or deny a tournament into the ranking system. 

I have a complaint I want to take to SLESA, how can I do it?

You can e-mail [email protected] with details of your matter. Alternatively, if you’re more comfortable going through a member clan, you can talk to one of the representatives listed above, who will then submit it to SLESA members for feedback.

Why haven’t we been told about this information before?

SLESA closely monitored the misinformation being spread during the last week, and it was clear that SLESA, while being fully transparent to member clans, failed to keep the community informed of how Esports in Sri Lanka is governed by your representatives. SLESA as a collective will announce new steps on how the association will keep the community up to date on governing-level decisions, without relying solely on member clans to inform their members.

For more information on the Sri Lanka Esports Association, visit https://esports.lk.

Women’s Mobile Legends goes to TM.FireFlies, with nA.Lost Girls and nA.The Tempest taking 2nd and 3rd place

Women’s Mobile Legends goes to TM.FireFlies, with nA.Lost Girls and nA.The Tempest taking 2nd and 3rd place

The Women’s Cyber Games Mobile Legends team event finals took place on the 2nd of June between TM.FireFlies and nA.Lost Girls. TM.FireFlies convincingly beat nA.Lost Girls with a score of 2 matches to 0.

nA.Lost Girls made their way to the finals from the loser bracket, beating M.ES Chinapatas and AEC.Demon Queens. TM.FireFlies stomped their way through the upper bracket, not losing a single match the entire tournament.

1st place: TM.FireFlies

  • Dileesha ‘Hyoli” Ruwanthi
  • Shanaz ‘Midnight’ Dilum
  • Sevwandi ‘Alana9’ Pramodya
  • Ruvini ‘RuuMaa’ Nisansala
  • Prabhani ‘Prabzi’ Nanayakkara

2nd place: nA.Lost Girls

  • Kleopatra ‘KLEOPXTRX’ LePorcher
  • Rashmi ‘noory’ Alwis
  • Yasara ‘YASARA’ Samarathunga
  • Methmie ‘Fawkes’ Jayasuriya
  • Hettiarachchige ‘duckling’ Nipunika

3rd place: nA.The Tempest

  • Gimhani ‘TIANA’ Fernando
  • Chamoda ‘Angle’ de Silva
  • Gayathri ‘Yuki’ Koshila
  • Shashi ‘Rashneas’ Amanda
  • Sapna ‘Rougueone’ Pinnapola
  • Shamen ‘Satanic’ Edward

The Women’s Cyber Games Championship ’20: Online is sponsored by Red Bull. The preferred Snack Partner is Perera & Sons.

Women’s COD4 solo title goes to M.ES Frozen, with nA.MD & nA.tee-hee taking 2nd & 3rd places

Women’s COD4 solo title goes to M.ES Frozen, with nA.MD & nA.tee-hee taking 2nd & 3rd places

The Women’s Call of Duty 4 Solo event took place on Monday (June 1st) with participants playing through 3 group stages, out of which the top 4 players from each group qualified for a final free-for-all match on Kill-house. Participants were given 10 minutes to rack up as many kills against their opponents as possible, and the 12 finalists accumulated a total of 818 kills in the allocated time. The final standings are as follows:

M.ES Frozen 100
nA.MD 95
nA.tee hee 85
nA.UD 73
nA.Medusa 72
EVOX Peabody 72
nA.Hima 68
PnX.RW D.Va 68
M.ES Sally Crusher 52
EVOX.Athena 50
EVOX.Yuana 28

The Women’s Cyber Games Championship ’20: Online is sponsored by Red Bull. The preferred Snack Partner is Perera & Sons.