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The Clash Royale grand finals of the Samsung Online Esports Showdown concluded last night, with the country’s top 2 players yet again making it to a grand final.

Tharusha ‘nA – thor’ Weerasekara from Noob Alliance took first place, giving his clan 48.21 points for the clan leaderboard. Salmaan Naushad from Maximum e-Sports came in second place, putting on 32.14 points for his clan. In third place Wolf Gang’s Umesha ‘Pina’ Navanjana contributing 16.07 points for his clan.

The clan leaderboard looks like this after 2 titles concluded:
1. Noob Alliance
2. Maximum eSports
3. Wolf Gang eSports
4. PhoeniX GaminG

How are points calculated?

What are the current standings?

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