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Noob Alliance clings to #1 after 3 titles. Max & PnX neck & neck at Samsung Online Esports Showdown

Noob Alliance clings to #1 after 3 titles. Max & PnX neck & neck at Samsung Online Esports Showdown

The third title of the Samsung Online Esports Showdown concluded yesterday with Phoenix Gaming taking the League of Legends title and also 3rd place. However, it was enough only to push PnX from 4th place to 3rd in the overall rankings, based on the points weightage for League of Legends.

Noob Alliance stays in a firm 1st place position with 61.25 points – far ahead of Maximum eSports (34.57 points) and Phoenix GaminG (30.94 points).

With 8 titles still up for grabs, stay tuned to Gamer.LK to see which of these Sri Lankan clans are able to take that top spot!

The clan leaderboard looks like this after 2 titles concluded:
1. Noob Alliance
2. Maximum eSports
3. PhoeniX GaminG
4. Wolf Gang eSports

The Showdown is sponsored by Samsung and MSI Gaming.

How are points calculated?

What are the current standings?

PnX R[3]D secures League of Legends title by taking down nA Phase at Samsung Online Esports Showdown

PnX R[3]D secures League of Legends title by taking down nA Phase at Samsung Online Esports Showdown

The hotly contested League of Legends tournament at the Samsung Online Esports Showdown by Gamer.LK saw many twists and turns as teams progressed to the grand final held yesterday. Tournament favorites were defeated and rivalries roared between League arch enemies Noob Alliance and Phoenix Gaming. The grand finals saw PnX R[3]D take on nA Phase in a bo3 final. PnX R[3]D made short work of nA Phase with 2 quick wins, securing the championship title in a 2-0 clincher.

First place – Pnx R[3]D

  • Kasun ‘kassa’ Withanage
  • Hilal ‘Dew’ Jismy
  • Aadil ‘lema’ Jismy
  • Nishal ‘Nish’ Ranaweerasinghe
  • Ashen Semithu
  • Prabu Thanenthiran
  • Laleetha ‘lala’ Fernando

Second place – nA Phase

  • Shashika ‘Candypanda’ Boteju
  • Eranda ‘Garfield’ Madushan
  • Tharuka ‘Kratos’ Fernando
  • Anjana ‘Mojo’ Amarasinghe
  • Kushan ‘Saber’ Dakshitha
  • Disuru ‘K. Hawa’ Rathnayake
  • Nimesh ‘Oops’ Tharindu

Third place – Pnx Lanka Lions

  • Sheazard Jainudeen
  • Harivarshen ‘Theunseenblade’ Selvarajah
  • Tharinda ‘Psycho Naya’ De Silva
  • Rihan ‘Charger’ Affridhy
  • Akthar ‘The Master 46’ Hafeez
  • Halidh Isham
  • Thivanka ‘Onlinerr’ Yoshitha

With 1st and 3rd places secured, Phoenix Gaming adds a healthy amount of points onto their overall championship score, but will it be enough to take down nA from their current #1 spot? Follow Gamer.LK to find out.

Noob Alliance takes over #1 spot with their Clash Royale win, Maximum eSports moves into #2

Noob Alliance takes over #1 spot with their Clash Royale win, Maximum eSports moves into #2

The Clash Royale grand finals of the Samsung Online Esports Showdown concluded last night, with the country’s top 2 players yet again making it to a grand final.

Tharusha ‘nA – thor’ Weerasekara from Noob Alliance took first place, giving his clan 48.21 points for the clan leaderboard. Salmaan Naushad from Maximum e-Sports came in second place, putting on 32.14 points for his clan. In third place Wolf Gang’s Umesha ‘Pina’ Navanjana contributing 16.07 points for his clan.

The clan leaderboard looks like this after 2 titles concluded:
1. Noob Alliance
2. Maximum eSports
3. Wolf Gang eSports
4. PhoeniX GaminG

How are points calculated?

What are the current standings?

Tharusha ‘thor’ Weerasekara is the Clash Royale Champion at the Samsung Online Esports Showdown

Tharusha ‘thor’ Weerasekara is the Clash Royale Champion at the Samsung Online Esports Showdown

The Clash Royale grand finals of the Samsung Online Esports Showdown concluded today, with the country’s top 2 players yet again making it to a grand final. Results are as follows:

First place
Tharusha ‘thor’ Weerasekara (Noob Alliance)

Second place
Salmaan Naushad (Maximum e-Sports)

Third place
Umesha ‘Pina’ Navanjana (Wolfgang eSports)

Stay tuned to Gamer.LK as we bring you the latest Esports news in Sri Lanka

With 1 title concluded, Phoenix Gaming tops clan leaderboard at Samsung Online Esports Showdown

With 1 title concluded, Phoenix Gaming tops clan leaderboard at Samsung Online Esports Showdown

CS:GO just concluded at the Samsung Online Esports Showdown last week, putting points on the board for the major clans battling it out for the overall clan title. ZEGG Esports won the title, but are not playing for any Sri Lankan clan at the moment after their move from Lowkey Esports. Sum Ting Wong from Phoenix Gaming win 4.82 points for their second place position, and Maximum eSports have a solid 2.43 points on the board from their team Revolutionary Gamers coming in 3rd.

How are points calculated?

What are the current standings?

ZEGG Esports clinches CS:GO title at Samsung Online Esports Showdown, PnX | Sum Ting Wong bags 2nd place

ZEGG Esports clinches CS:GO title at Samsung Online Esports Showdown, PnX | Sum Ting Wong bags 2nd place

Sri Lankan CS:GO favorites ZEGG Esports took home the title at the Samsung Online Esports Showdown organised by Gamer.LK. With a 3-0 win, ZEGG put Phoenix Gaming’s team Sum Ting Wong into a firm second place, with Revolutionary Gamers from Maximum e-Sports coming in at third.

The Online Esports Showdown is sponsored by Samsung and MSI Gaming.

Follow Gamer.LK for more updates on Sri Lanka’s stay-at-home Esports championship