The South Asia Champions Cup organised by Global Esports, a regional League tournament commenced on the 4th of May.
The following teams from Sri Lanka took part :
- PnX | Deiyo
- PnX | Lanka Lions
- PnX | R [ 3 ] D
- nA | Phase
Throughout the past few weeks these teams competed against the best in the region. The tournament ran a Round Robin format coupled with Single Elimination Bracket.
Group Stages Results
- PnX | Deiyo 2-1
- PnX | Lanka Lions 3-0
- PnX | R [ 3 ] D 2-1
- nA | Phase 2 – 1
PnX|Lanka Lions and PnX|Deiyo advanced to the playoff stages. Both nA|Phase and PnX | R [ 3 ] D on the other hand drew the short end of the stick. Their groups was stuck at a three way tie. Usual protocol would have meant that they played a tiebreaker against the teams tied together. However time constraints forced the organizers to consider the fastest win to split the tie. This meant that both teams were left at third place and could not proceed.
Playoffs Results
As PnX|Deiyo and PnX|Lanka Lions placed 1st and 2nd in their groups respectively they advanced onto the playoffs. Here the format was a strict single elimination with a best of three matchup. Unfortunately despite the best of their attempts both teams had to bow out of the tournament in the first knockout round. PnX|Lanka Lions went up against Team GraveKeepers and were defeated with score of 2-0. PnX|Deiyo went up against Team White Shadows which resulted in the same score.