Competitive gaming has always had its ups and downs but the stress and emotional toll that it has on cyber athletes is immense. Ranging from new players learning the game to angry veterans ruining games with unwanted toxic behavior and “feeding”, this destroys the positive mindframe that players have and in turn induce them into taking part in turning on bad players as well as not focusing on the game in a positive way.
Identifying the need of the hour, Gamer.LK has come up with a solution to fight this issue and has decided to turn competitive gaming into a more calm and casual experience through games such as Fruit Ninja, Subway Surfer, Temple Run, etc. This will allow players to have a more flexible gaming approach, encouraging fair play on one’s individual skill and draws a blank on the toxic and otherwise harmful outcome competitive team-based games have become.
Through the 1st week of April, Gamer.LK will remove all competitive team-based games and introduce single player casual games. Over the coming weeks, these new titles will earn ranked status as eSports in the country. Shortly thereafrer, tournaments including large prize pools and high-speed gaming peripherals as gifts, will begin. Clans will be taking active charge in making the needed adjustments to their players and even being open to recruitment.
Gamer.LK hopes to thus usher in a new era with a diverse repertoire of games suitable for any age or gender. So make sure to download these up and coming eSports titles and ensure that you make the preparations ready to get that coveted number 1 spot!
Do you have what it takes to change and adapt to bring about the best individual talent that Sri Lanka has ever seen. Fewer team kills, lesser whining team mates and more exciting and fun games where you choose your own destiny are coming. Are you ready for it?
Leave a comment on what you think about this change as we step into a new era of eSports and gaming in Sri Lanka.