Here’s our predictions on who’s going to win:

This team representing Batticaloa has been steam rolling through the district qualifiers, semis and now they’re here at the finals. With the most number of Booyahs (10), they’re been riding on that winning momentum all the way into the finals. What’s strange is they’re about a 100 eliminations less than BROTHERHOOD, which makes you think, are they really doing the hard work to secure the win? Or are they just getting lucky with easy competition?

Everybody loves an underdog story and these guys are the true epitome of a dark horse. They have the second best star performer of the Championship in their team, “OhhmyJosh!!”. He is considered one of the best snipers in the South Asian region and has had breakthrough performances in both the district qualifiers finals and Day 2 of the semi finals, securing a place for his team in the grand finale with 20+ eliminations in both games. The team has a solid and balanced approach but they’ve struggled on the road to the finals. Perhaps that’s what would make the winning so much more satisfying if they get through this final hurdle.

Ranked #1 in SLESA’s national rankings, second most team eliminations in the Championship (227) and securing the most points in the tournament so far (422), these guys know what they’re doing. xShanYT and xDemon are considered as two of the top 5 players of this Championship and together they have racked up about 126 eliminations, which is higher than some teams’ totals. Stats-wise, experience-wise, skills-wise they seem to have it all which is why they are our no. 1 prediction to win the grand finale.