Kings of LAN ’17 June – Call of Duty 4 organized by Gamer.LK was held on 24th & 25th of June at KEERO Gaming Lounge, Delkanda. Being the most popular gaming title in Sri Lanka, the event drew 47 teams representing all the top standalone and attired teams. Throughout the two days, the lounge was filled with nothing but excitement, thrill, and endless cheers!
Participation was once again mostly by teams representing the top clans in Sri Lanka. Amongst them, a remarkable presence by Tech Morph teams were seen. Opposing the green force, there were top teams from n00b Alliance, Phoenix GaminG, WolfGang, and Maximum eSports as well.
The rounds were closely competed with nail-biting finishes in many matches. From the 47 competitors, Tech Morph’s Team zU, n00b Alliance’s Team Phase 2.0, Phoenix GaminG’s Inside Gaming, WolfGang’s Mist’Walkers, and the standalone team Inversion imex stood out to be the top contenders.

A turning point of the event happened during the semifinals when Inside Gaming met Team zU. Keeping aside the strong rivalry they have; the match was intense by the plays of both teams. However, it was Inside Gaming’s day as they outplayed Team zU to a 13-7 score.
The current KOL title defenders, Team Phase managed to once again reach the final by outplaying Inversion Imex in the semifinal. Repeating history, it was once again Team Phase and Inside Gaming who reached the Kings of LAN final!

In the best of 2 games final, Team Phase managed to secure the first game to a 13-11 score in a very close encounter. Following that, Team Phase was able to secure the second game as well to a 13-7 score to become the Kings of LAN in COD4 once again for a 3rd consecutive year. Inside Gaming also set a record by becoming the runner-up for a 3rd consecutive year.
Winner – nA.Team Phase 2.0
Runner-up – PnX|Inside Gaming
Congratulations to Team Phase 2.0 for their remarkable performance! With that another edition of Kings of LAN came to an end while re-throning champions! Wishing the best for all participants, stay tuned as we have a lot of eSports action coming very soon!