At the end of 2017, the members of the Sri Lanka eSports Association (SLeSA) unanimously agreed to move to FIFA 18 as the official FIFA version starting from 2018. Alongside this decision, Clash Royale was included into the list of ranked titles in Sri Lanka in order to promote eSports across the mobile platform. SLeSA consists of representation from all major clans in the country with Gamer.LK’s leadership.

Taking its first step into the competitive eSports industry in Sri Lanka, Mobitel in strategic partnership with Gamer.LK, launched the first ever X-station eSports League. Promising to be a grand event open to all gamers in the country, the Championship features FIFA 18 (PlayStation 4) and Clash Royale (Mobile). Boasting of a prizepool amounting to LKR 70,000, this will be the first-ever ranked eSports tournament for these titles in Sri Lanka.
Mobitel, the leading Mobile Service Provider in Sri Lanka aims to introduce new technology to the youth of Sri Lanka and plans through such engaging events. In strategic partnership with Gamer.LK, they have entered a new chapter, venturing into the continuously evolving and improving world of eSports.
X-station eSports Championship, will be happening at X-station, 409 R. A. De Mel Mawatha, Colombo on the 3rd of March 2018.
To register for this event, please visit
For more details about X-station: