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Tekken 8

Gamer.LK Competitive Rules

Last modified: 22 February 2025

This page contains the game-specific rules for Gamer.LK Tekken 8 tournaments. These rules must be followed in conjunction with the General Competitive Rules of Gamer.LK Ranked Tournaments.

The General Competitive Rules can be found here. The general rules listed there apply to all gaming titles and all teams/players who register for any Gamer.LK Competitive tournament are expected to follow them.
The tournament bracket used (single elimination/double elimination/group stage) will be decided by the Organizer and announced on the Tournament Announcement posted on Gamer.LK. Gamer.LK will make every effort to have the most fair bracket but depending on time constraints this may change at the discretion of the Gamer.LK Staff. The Gamer.LK Ranking system will be used for the purpose of seeding to make the draws as and when needed. No other ranking will be considered.


2.1. By submitting a registration for a Gamer.LK Tekken 8 tournament, all players acknowledge without limitation to comply with the rules set herein and especially with the decisions made by the Gamer.LK Staff.

2.2. All competitors are expected to know and understand all the rules described here. Not knowing that a rule existed or that it was in place will not be considered as an acceptable reason for breaking said rule.

 2.3. A player’s name, icon, profile picture or logo may not contain any of the following: profanities, obscene language, gang affiliation, drugs, sexual material, offensive material, slander of Gamer.LK or it’s administration, partners or sponsors.


3.1.  Match
A match consists of sets of rounds being won. The number of sets per match will be informed by the the Tournament Staff.

3.2.  Set
A set consists of three (3) rounds being won.

3.3.  Round
Winning a round means exhausting the opposing energy bar once.


4.1.  Platform
The designated platform for each tournament will be determined by the Tournament Staff and may include PlayStation or PC.
For ranked tournaments, PC will be the official platform.

4.2.  Controller
Participants can use their personal controllers.
4.2.1. – At offline (LAN) events, personal controllers shall be reviewed and approved by the Tournament Staff.
4.2.2. – Macro functions (eg: turbo buttons) are not permitted.
4.2.3. – At offline (LAN) events, only referees can pair controllers to prevent any accidental match disruptions; participants must unpair their controllers after the match series is over.

4.2.4. – At offline (LAN) ranked events, controller must be compatible with PC. Players are responsible for ensuring their controllers function properly and can successfully connect to the tournament setup.

4.3. The winner of any single Set is determined when the Game awards the win to that Player or upon the opponent causing a match disruption or other violation of the Rules as determined by the Tournament Organizer staff member.

4.4. The Grand Finals is a match series consisting of up to two (2) best-of-five (Bo5) matches between the final two (2) players remaining in a tournament.
4.4.1. If the player from the Winner’s Bracket wins the first match, the Grand Finals immediately ends, awarding them the championship and giving the Loser’s Bracket player their second and final loss.
4.4.2. If the Loser’s Bracket player wins the first match, handing the Winner’s Bracket player their first loss, a second best-of-five match will be played.
4.4.3. For this second match, both players may choose different characters and adjust any pre-match settings. The player who wins this final match, giving their opponent a second and final loss, will be declared the tournament champion.

In certain time-constrained or event-based formats, such as fly tournaments, the Tournament Organizer may determine an alternative match format, such as best-of-three (Bo3) instead of best-of-five (Bo5). The format will be communicated before the tournament begins.

4.5. Communication
4.5.1. – During a match, the participants are only allowed to communicate with their opponent and the referee about matters concerning the match itself.
4.5.2. – Between sets, the participants are allowed to talk to their team members, coach and manager for a maximum of 1 minute.


5.1. Abuses & Exploitation
Exploiting game or map bugs/glitches/flaws (“exploits”) for the purposes of gaining an unfair advantage is prohibited. Exploits that are not specifically named here are still prohibited but will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Gamer.LK Staff reserve the right to decide what will be deemed as an exploit or abuse.

5.2. Impersonations
Impersonating an eligible player by attempting to alias as them, using their gaming account or by any other method is prohibited and will result in the aliasing player and the player they are aliasing as being removed from the tournament.

5.3. Missing Players.
Players must be present at the call time for a Match. Players that are not present and ready to play within ten (10) minutes of this call time are subject to Match forfeiture.

5.4. During a Match, the winner of any single Set must comply with the following winner lock rules:
5.4.1. At the start of a Match:
               – Players select their sides. Players may mutually agree on who sits on left and right side, corresponding to Player 1 and Player 2,
respectively, at the start of a Set.
– Players are committed to this selection for the entirety of the Match.
– If Players cannot agree to a Side Selection, they will do a coint toss to determine who picks their side first.
– The winner of the coin toss picks their side first and will be committed to that selection for the entirety of the Match.

After any single Set, the winner is “locked” into their character and they are not permitted to switch their character until or unless they lose a subsequent single Set;


6.1. Mode
Versus (“VS”) Mode.

6.2. Rounds
According to the number defined above

6.3. Time limit
60 seconds

6.4. Stage
Random select for each game.

6.5. Character Customizations

6.6. Special Style
Allowed during Match Play (Costume Presets)

6.7. – Choosing Characters, Character Preset Costume & Stage
6.7.1. All characters available in the game are allowed. If a new character is released, it may only be used if it has been available for at least fourteen (14) days prior to the first day of the tournament.
6.7.2. Custom skins on characters are not allowed.
6.7.3 All Character Preset Costumes are legal for Tournament use, unless Tournament Staff / BNE (Bandai Namco Entertainment) determines, in its sole discretion, that certain costumes give an unfair advantage. Players cannot use the same Preset. Should both Players wish to use the same Preset, they will play a Best-Of-One Rock-Paper-Scissors tiebreaker to determine who may use their preferred Preset Costume for the duration of the Match. If a Character Customization or one of the above listed Presets that cannot be used are used, the Set is subject to not being scored. Players are responsible for immediately finishing the Set with one (1) Player holding forward for the remainder of the rounds to quickly return to the lobby and restart the Set.

There are two official methods for selecting characters:
i. Standard Selection
ii. Blind Pick Selection

If players do not explicitly agree on a selection method, the Standard Selection method will be used by default. If players cannot come to an agreement, the Tournament Staff will enforce the Double Blind Selection method.

Standard Selection
Both players choose their characters freely, whenever they want. This is a free for all. Players may pick up whoever they wish and proceed to the game. Once either player chooses a character, neither is allowed to request that the Blind Pick Selection or any other method to be used.

Double Blind Selection
Either one of the players must explicitly ask for the Blind Pick Selection method before either player enters the Character Selection Screen.

In this situation, the referee will be told, in secret, each of the Players’ choice of Character for the first round. Both Players are to then select their first-round Character, with the referee validating the selections.

Stage Selection
Stage selection will be random as per the Tournament mode settings. This will be the default stage selection rule.

If both players have a valid reason deemed acceptable by the referee (e.g., sensitivity to certain light patterns), they may request a re-selection. In such cases, the stage will be reselected using the same random process.

After choosing Character and stage players jump straight in to button check game.

6.8. Ties
6.8.1. – After 60 seconds have passed the player with the most energy left in their health bar wins the round.
6.8.2. – If the set ends in a double K.O. in the final round, a new game will be started with just one round. These games will be continued to be played until a winner is found.

6.9. Set Loss
If a player loses a set they may change their character if they wish and may request the stage to be changed as well. The stage decision remains random.


7.1. – Before going to the first game of the match, it is mandatory to have a button check round.
7.2. – Players must check and confirm to the referees that all the buttons in his controller are working properly.
7.3. – If the button arrangement is different for the player, he must choose and modify a different controller preset via in-game menu to his liking.
7.4. – Players are not allowed to use any Macro tools for their input devices.
7.5. – After both the players have confirmed that they have configured their controllers, the referee will give permission to start the first game of the match by restarting the game. Players must jump straight on to the first match afterwards.
7.6. – After checking all the buttons, players are not allowed to go back to the Character selection stage and select a new Character and stage according to the above-mentioned criteria.
7.7. – Under any circumstances, the players are not allowed to complain, after the button check that his configuration is wrong. If a player found that his configuration is wrong inside a game, he may pause and change his configuration at the cost of the current game.
7.8. – Pauses regarding button configuration issues count as an immediate forfeit of the current game for the player who has button configuration issues.
7.9. – In case a player has to forfeit the current game and if any games are remaining in the set, the players must go to the next game with the same Character. Stage selection will follow the above-mentioned default rule.
7.10 – A player may request a quick button check for matches following the first match only and only if a Character change was made. Then the match should be restarted immediately.


8.1. – Once button check is completed, the players should begin the first Game in the Match with the Tournament Staff’s permission.
8.2. – The following rules go into effect once matches are being played:
8.2.1. The match is considered over when either player wins the required number of games.
8.2.2. Once a player has won the required number of games, the winner of the match should report the result to the Tournament Staff.
8.2.3. Between each game, each player is given a combined 1-minute interval.
8.2.4. If there are still games to be played, the player who lost the game has the option of switching sides (1p vs. 2p) for the next game.
8.2.5. The player who won the game does not have the option of switching sides. He must stay on the same side if the loser does not want to switch.
8.2.6. The player who lost the last game is allowed to either restart the match with the same conditions or choose a different Character & Character Costume Preset combination they desire.
8.2.7. A player who lost the game due to a penalty will not have the above option. He will have to follow the Character & Character Costume Preset for his last Game, which was not decided by a penalty.
8.2.8. In the case of a Character and Character Costume Preset selection, stage selection will follow the above-mentioned default rule.
8.2.9. While in-game, the players must at all times, adhere to the Tournament Staff’s warnings.
8.2.10. If the Tournament Staff asks to stop a game for a reason, he deems correct players must pause and heed the Tournament Staff.
8.2.11. Match interruptions beyond the player’s control (e.g. the game crashes or freezes, a player gets interrupted by crowd movement, etc) will be dealt directly by the Tournament Staff. All best attempts will be made to resume the round from where it was left off. If that cannot be accomplished, the game will be replayed with both players picking the same Character and Character Costume. Stage selection will follow the above-mentioned default rule.


9.1.  Participants are permitted to pause the game in case of a technical issue or if an outside factor disrupts the match.

9.2.  The participant who initiated the pause must immediately inform both their opponent and the referee what the reason for the pause is. Participants are not allowed to communicate with anybody else during the pause.

9.3.  The game may be unpaused only when both participants and the referee agree to it.

9.4.  If a participant accidentally pauses the game by either pressing the start button or unplugging their or their opponent’s controller, the participant who paused forfeits the current round.


The following tiebreaker mechanism shall break ties:

10.1.  Head to head result – or, if not possible, then;
10.2.  Point differential overall (Round win gives 1 point, round loss gives -1 point) or, if not possible, then;
10.3.  In the case of three or more participants being tied after the first two steps, a series of round-robin rematches will be played until the correct amount of participants remain.


11.1. Spectators must have a clearance distance from the players.
11.2. It is the responsibility of the referee to make sure that the spectators remain at a safe distance where their movement will not obstruct players.
11.3. Any spectator who obstructs the players or are refusing to follow the referee’s instructions will be removed from the tournament premises.

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