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Gamer.LK Competitive Rules

Last modified: 14 May 2024

This page contains the game-specific rules for Gamer.LK eFootball tournaments. These rules must be followed in conjunction with the General Competitive Rules of Gamer.LK  Tournaments.


The General Competitive Rules can be found here. The general rules listed there apply to all gaming titles and all teams/players who register for any Gamer.LK Competitive tournament are expected to follow them.

The tournament bracket used (single elimination/double elimination/group stage) will be decided by the Organizer and announced on the Tournament Announcement posted on Gamer.LK. Gamer.LK will make every effort to have the most fair bracket but depending on time constraints this may change at the discretion of the Gamer.LK Staff. The Gamer.LK Ranking system will be used for the purpose of seeding to make the draws as and when needed. No other ranking will be considered.

All teams and players are required to join the instructed Discord server / Telegram group


3.1. – By submitting a registration for a eFootball tournament, all players acknowledge without limitation to comply with the rules set herein and especially with the decisions made by the Organiser’s Staff.

3.2. – All competitors are expected to know and understand all the rules described here. Not knowing that a rule existed or that it was in place will not be considered an acceptable reason for breaking said rule.

3.3. – A player’s name, icon, profile picture, or logo may not contain any of the
following: profanities, obscene language, gang affiliation, drugs, sexual material, offensive material, slander of the Organiser or its administration, partners, or sponsors.


4.1. – At the end of each match, the players must remain seated, remain at the victory/defeat screen, and await a referee to record the results and save the replay. Closing the victory/defeat screen without the replay being saved by a referee may result in a default loss


Game Format: All matches must be played in Trial Match, using official partner clubs teams, and uniform overall ratings.

The following game settings for the matches are used:

Match Level: Superstar
Game Speed: 0
Condition (Home & Away): Normal
Injuries: OFF
Match time: 10 min
Extra time: OFF
No. Substitutes: 5
Ball: eFootballTM 2024
Cursor type: Player name ( if the match on stage or broadcasted )
Team Selection: Official Partner Clubs – same teams are allowed,

All matches are played with stat balancing enabled.

Stadium settings:

Stadium: eFootballTM Stadium
Time: Night
Season: Winter
Weather: Fine
Length of grass: Normal
Pitch Conditions: Normal

Camera and audio settings:

Camera Type: Dynamic Wide
Zoom: 2
Height: 2
Directional guide: OFF (Under controller settings)
Audio mode: eSports

Match screen settings:

Display Radar: Bottom
Player Name Boxes: ON
Attack/Defense Level: ON
Attack/Defense Level Information: ON
Radar (Home & Away): Strip Color
Power Gauge: ON
Stamina Gauge: OFF
Cursor Display: ON
Time/Score: ON
Display Player Names: Opponent’s Team: ON
Set Piece Guides: OFF
Goal Celebration Prompts: OFF

Side selection: Home and away positions are decided via seed.


6.1. – The player named first always should stand/sit on the left side facing the screen.

6.2. – Unless express permission has been given by the Tournament Referee, no coaching is allowed (for example, people in the audience may not advise a Player while playing).

6.3. – Unless express permission has been given by Tournament Referee, players are prohibited from wearing headsets and may not listen to any music during play.

6.4. – Players must bring their own controllers (BYOC). If you do not have a controller you cannot play.

6.5. – It is the responsibility of all players to be familiar with the controller’s functions and mode of operation. If a controller is defective, a player can pause the game and notify the referee. The referee will determine the controller’s status in making such a decision. If a player plays with a defective controller, all results are nevertheless valid.

6.6. – Unnecessary pauses or delays are prohibited.

6.7. – Any action designed to disrupt the opposing player’s view of the field or ability to select controlled players are prohibited.

6.8. – Each game will begin play at its designated time, and as designated on-site at the tournament.

6.9. – Players not present at the designated start time for any match will be disqualified, and their opponent shall be granted a 1-0 score. Players are encouraged to be in the designated play area 30 minutes prior to game time.

6.10. – Players will be shown their designated station. Players shall set up the game and immediately begin play. Each player will have 3 minutes to configure controls, line-ups, and settings in accordance with the rules described above under Section 5 – Game Settings. Custom packages cannot be used, nor can anything else that is not available in the in-game pause menu.

6.11. – Players shall be responsible for keeping track of the game situations so that if a game is interrupted, the situation can be restored. In all possible situations tournament Tournament Referees will monitor the game situation so that it may be restored in the event of game interruptions.

6.12. – Players shall raise their hands at the end of the game so a referee can record their score. Only scores reported to the referee are official.

6.13. – No game interruptions, except for designated pauses to report scores (if any), will be allowed.

6.14 – Game of Record (GoR)

A game of record is a game where both players will be recorded by the PS5 operating system.
After being promoted to GoR, restarts are only allowed in exceptional cases. A game becomes

a GoR when the following conditions are met:

A. Both players are loaded into the arena.
B. Kick-off was done.

6.15 – During an ongoing match, participants are forbidden to cut replay scenes ( For
broadcasted matches or stage matches only)

6.16 – Participants can press pause game only while the ball is out of play (Deadball status). If participants violate this rule, they are subject to further penalties, the referee can give a goal to the opponent or even give a win to the opponent.

6.17 – During the match, every participant is permitted to press pause maximum 3 times per every half, in a maximum 180 seconds in total.

6.18 -. If a participant receives a red card and he runs out of pauses, he can pause for one
more time.

Game Interruptions:

If a game is interrupted intentionally by any player (as determined by the Organiser Staff), that player will immediately be disqualified.

If a game interruption is caused by outside circumstances such as a machine error or loss of power, the game shall be continued from the point of interruption.


The teams’ and players’ abilities cannot be modified arbitrarily. Graphics and other settings may only be setup through the menu. Configuration file cannot be used. Players on both sides must select the options before they begin the game. The match result will be accepted even if the players, during or after the match, find out each others’ settings were different from the official settings.


8.1. – Disconnection: Any connection loss between players facing each other due to system, network, PC, and/or power problems/issues.

8.2. – Intentional disconnection: Any connection loss between players facing each other due to a person’s actions which may include a player or spectator. Upon judgment by Gamer.LK Staff, an offending player may be charged with a default loss.

8.3. – Should a disconnection occur:
8.3.1. – A referee will confirm the exact score to that point (even if the ball is about to cross the goal line, the goal shall not count), and restart the match.
8.3.2. – A referee will inform the players on exactly how many minutes must still be played to complete the match.
8.3.3. – Any players sent off the field (red card) shall count as a goal each for the opponent when the match resumes.
8.4.4. – If the disconnection occurs after a corner kick was awarded to a player, the match will resume with a corner kick for that same player.


9.1. – The following actions will be considered unfair play:
9.1.1. – The use of any cheat program
9.1.2. – An intentional disconnection
9.1.3. – The use of any settings exceeding the standard and permitted settings
9.1.4. – Any “unnecessary chatting” during the match. “Unnecessary chatting” means any chatting other than the cases listed below:
– Greeting messages between the players;
– Repeat of “P” to request for a pause during a stage match;
– A signal for the loss (i.e.: „gg‟, „GG‟, or any other message that the referee can use to decide the winner);
– Chatting between players that does not violate the unsportsmanlike behavior clause;
– Any message that the referee can judge as part of the game.
9.1.5. – Clearly allowing one’s opponent to win a match
9.1.6. – If a referee decides that external conditions (Press, Team Leader, Player, Spectator, etc) are giving or have given an unfair advantage to a player, the player may be given a warning or lose by default at the referee’s sole discretion.
9.1.7. – Unsportsmanlike behavior or, in general, disruptive (e.g., shouting), inappropriate and/or unprofessional actions directed towards another player (even inside the game).
9.1.8. – The use of a program bug that is determined by the board of referees as being unfair

9.2. – Upon discovery of any player committing any violations regarded as unfair play, the offending player, at the sole discretion of the board of referees, may receive a warning, a forfeit loss or, in extreme cases, be disqualified from the tournament.

9.3. – The player may request to pause the game by raising his hand. One must be in possession of the ball and be one’s own half before requesting to pause the game. After reviewing the reason for a pause, if the referee deems the pause unnecessary the referee may decide to issue a warning or loss by default decision.


10.1. – Collusion is defined as any agreement among two or more players to disadvantage other players in the Competition. Collusion between players is strictly prohibited.

10.2. – Examples of collusion include, but are not limited to:
10.2.1. – Intentionally losing a match for any reason.
10.2.2. – Playing on behalf of another competitor, including using a secondary account.
10.2.3. – Any form of match-fixing.
10.2.4. – Agreeing to split prize money.
10.2.5. – Allowing an opponent to score goals than they normally would to impact the Goal Differential tiebreaker.

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